Addison specializes in addition. Her ability to connect with people and solve problems is one of her greatest strengths. She can also add objects together to overcome obstacles. In addition to being the captain of the group, Addison has exemplary leadership skills that will help her to maintain and strengthen the group. In addition, she will provide the group with guidance. Along with Division-Dan, Multiplication-Matthew, Equalizer-Derick, and Subtraction-Sam, she assists many individuals.
÷ Division-Dan ÷
÷ Division-Dan ÷
Division-Dan specializes in divisions and divisional systems. The abilities he possesses are extraordinary. He can divide objects so he can disseminate them to others. Furthermore, he can divide his height as well as fit into areas that are slim and enclosed. There is no doubt that he is an invaluable member of the group.
X Multiplication-Matthew X
X Multiplication-Matthew X
Multiplication-Matthew specializes in multiplication and is also an extraordinary group member because of his knowledge of the subject. His unique capabilities enable him to defend others if they are in danger by multiplying himself. It is also possible for him to bear objects to use them to overcome obstacles.
- Subtraction-Sam -
- Subtraction-Sam -
Subtraction-Sam specializes in subtraction, and it is not uncommon for her to have a negative attitude sometimes. Like the other teammates, she has special abilities that make her stand out. As well as subtracting obstacles in the way of her, she can also throw subtraction symbols, which are very effective in helping her overcome obstacles.
= Equalizer-Derick =
= Equalizer-Derick =
Equalizer-Derick brings equality to the community to the fullest extent possible. He is genuinely a reliable member of the team. Along with the rest of his companions, Equalizer-Derrick has unique abilities, Such as the power to bring equality anywhere at any time and the ability to equalize the problem with his impressive physical attributes. Overall Equalizer-Derrick is an outstanding member of the group.